Artist's Statements About Individual Works

Happy Secretary’s Day

Mixed-media collage/print with artist-set transfer type • 14 x 11 •2004

Secretary’s Day (or Administrative Professional’s Day [a rose by any other name…]) appears to be a recognition for service, yet it is typically accomplished by bestowing gifts of flowers and candy: traditional gifts for mothers, wives, girlfriends (hardly professional). The notations scattered about, like Stickies-gone-berserk, are from The Observation Desk (my journal) and also gleaned from a 1983 article by Betty Harrigan in Working Woman magazine. The point is, if flowers and candy were truly professional perks, male executives would receive them, too. A note: Ever since he read my research notes for this piece, my husband has honored his entire office staff on this special day by giving them a real bonus: a day off of their own choosing (with pay, of course).